Adult and Family Ministries

Ministries specifically created to address adult and family needs at Saraland UMC. All are welcome to join and get involved!

Men's and Women's Ministries

United Methodist Women
Our UMW specializes in mission work with an emphasis on women and children worldwide. Visit our Facebook page for more info.

  • UMW Backpack Ministry
    The UMW Backpack Ministry was started by the Hope Circle of the UMW in 2012 to address the immediate needs of hunger in our local community.
  • There are 3 circles in the UMW at Saraland UMC. The "Evelyn Joy" Circle meets the 1st Thursday of the month at 10:00 AM and is led by Maxine Dearman. The "Hope" Circle meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:00 PM and is led by Luvenia Spotswood, and the "Grace" Circle meets on the 1st Monday of the month at 6:00 PM and is led by Nancy Brumfield.
  • Find the UMW on Facebook

United Methodist Men
Come to our monthly breakfast for all men on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 7:30 AM. Also, bring your aluminum cans to the church for UMM to recycle. There is a can recycling area near the covered breezeway within the white picket fence. All proceeds benefit the annual UMM Scholarship Program to help our Saraland college students with college expenses.

Adult Sunday School
Each Sunday at 10:00 as many as 100 or more adults gather to learn more about the Bible in one of several Adult Sunday School classes.

Wednesday Night Dinner and Bible Study
If you haven’t been a part of Wednesday Night Live, you’re really missing out on a great time.  Come and share in the great food, study and discussion. Dinner is served at 5:45 p.m. followed by programs for adults, youth and children at 6:15 p.m.  Costs: $5.50 per adult and $3.50 per child/youth (over 3 years old) with a $16 family max.  Bring the family and enjoy our great Wednesday evening  activities! Contact the church office for more information or to make reservations. To view the Wednesday Night Supper Schedule, please click here.

Community Groups
A community group is a small group of people who meet regularly in homes for fellowship, prayer, and study. They are like a supper club, Bible study, and prayer group all rolled into one.Contact Traci Smith to participate!

Discovery 101
Would you like to know more about becoming a member of Saraland UMC? Discovery 101 is for you. Some topics we will discuss are: The basics of Christian faith, Unique United Methodist beliefs, Membership vows, and some important details about who we are as a church and our plans for the future. If you would like to participate, please call the office at 675-2728. A nursery will be provided if requested.

Prayer Team
Meets on Mondays at 10:00 AM. We are praying for our church family, friends, and our community.   Please contact Barbara Cave.